Throughout the world there are variations in food
consumption according to different socioeconomic conditions, food availability,
and cultural dictates. If fresh and cooked foods are consumed, in adequate
quantities, to meet the energy needs of the consumer, then the needs for
protein and the micro nutrients should be met. Having this in mind, it is
surprising to learn that some people are poorly nourished and, indeed, may
develop one or more nutrition-related diseases.
The list of necessary nutrients is the same for every human
being, but the relative amounts needed by each individual are as distinctly
different as the shape of people's bodies, and for this reason daily
nutritional requirement is impossible to specify. In other words, your ideal
daily need is determined by your own biochemical uniqueness, which in turn
relates to your mental and spiritual state. Optimum nutrition is not just about
preventing or reversing disease, it is to cross the line where deficiency is
directly causing disease; more than that, it is about living healthy &
happy. It’s very important that you take nutritious food adequately, food can
be both pleasure and medicine, and that diet has a crucial role to play in
disease prevention and longer healthier living.